API Reference

Claiming a key

Only for indirect pix participants

The client system must consume this API to initialize the processes of clamming a key.

If trying to add a key returns an error that the key already exists in the DICT, the client can request a key claim.

If the existing key is associated with the same CPF/CNPJ as the customer in question, it will be a portability claim. Otherwise, it will be a possession claim type.

To claim a key, follow the steps below:

  • The claimer client starts a claiming process, with its status as PENDING
  • The customer who holds the key, called DONOR - the donor customer has a deadline to read the claim. The moment you do so, the claim adopts the status AWAITING_RESOLUTION. From then on, the DONOR - the donor client has a deadline to agree to hand over the key or not.
  • The donor client and claiming client can cancel the claim, registering the status CANCELED.
  • If the donor client agrees to give up the key, it changes the status to CONFIRMED.
  • When the claiming client registers the status COMPLETED, the DICT assumes that the process was accepted by both parties and links the key to the claiming client.
    • This last case is only used for possession claims, if it is of the portability type, once the donor client agrees to give in, the key will be linked to the claiming client.