API Reference
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API Reference

About the API


The cash-in functionality provides ways of receiving money. Through this API, it is possible to create charges, where this charge is passed on to the paying customer, in which, when the payment is made, the money is credited to your bank account.

Types of Charges

PIX_STATICStatic QR CodeClick here
PIX_DYNAMIC (immediate with due date)Dynamic QR CodeClick here

Collection postman

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The creation of the charge requires the inclusion of the correlation key on the client system to enable the conciliation between systems. Upon receipt of a payment, it will be sent using Webhook, with this correlation key.

The correlation key (correlation ID) should be a GUID.

Different types of charges on a single endpoint

The unique route /api/v1/charges is used to create a new charge. It is worth mentioning that you must pay attention to the type of charge reported, as well as its appropriate parameters, as there is a particularity for each type.


Delbank APIs utilize the same pagination pattern.

To use a pagination, it's necessary to be informed of the following values: page , limit and afterNsu.

  • Page: A non-negative integer that indicates the page wished to be loaded. In the case of this field being missing, it'd be considered the value of 1.
  • Limit: A non-negative integer that indicates the maximum quantity that must be returned. Maximum value: 50. If not informed, the value 10 will be considered.
  • AfterNsu opcional: Indicates a referential that will be utilized for search after the NSU. For example, the payment search returns the NSU (Unique Sequential Number) of every payment. If afterNsu = 10, then the payments with an NSU greater than 10 will be returned.

The information about the pagination will be returned to the header of the response, like the following:

   "currentPage":1, // The current page
   "pageSize":20, // Items per page
   "pageCount":34, // Number of pages
   "rowCount":673, // Registry