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API Reference

PIX key creation

You can create up to 5 Pix keys per account. There are 4 types of keys (email, phone, random key, CPF/CNPJ)


POST 'https://apisandbox.delbank.com.br/baas//api/v1/pix/dict/entries'


x-delbank-api-keyRequired. API key
IdempotencyKeyRequiredGUIDgenerated in the request
x-auth-codecode sent by SMS or email for this type of key (phone or email)
x-auth-idid returned in the endpoint of sending the auth code


entryTypeenumRequired DOCUMENT, EVP, PHONE, EMAIL
For phone and email type pix keys, a confirmation code is required that is generated using the auth code endpoint below.
keystringOptional For phone and email types, this field can be used to specify the key that you want to use

Endpoint auth code

This endpoint is used to confirm the authenticity of email and phone keys. A code is sent by email or SMS and the id is returned to the endpoint. Both must be passed to the key creation endpoint as headers: x-auth-id and x-auth-code, respectively.




senderenumEMAIL or SMS
receiverstringPhone number or email
(for phone numbers you must also add the country code: +5579901010202)
payloadstringSMS message or email HTML. The code will be inserted in the placeholder {{code}}