JUMP TODelbank BaaSWelcome to Delbank docsAuthenticationmTLSHow to create a CSRStaging API key requestpostAccessing the production environmentBank Account CreationAccount creation flowCreate Natural Person AccountpostUpdate account request data for person naturalpatchCreate Legal Person AccountpostUpdate account request data for person legalpatchDocuments submissionpostVerify bank account statusgetSearch information from all linked bank accountsgetUtility functions for Bank Account CreationList Brazil StatesgetSearch for a specific citygetAditional requested parameters for Legal Account CreationgetAddress search by Brazil zip codegetCharges (Bankslip)Service Level Agreements (SLA)cobrança (cash-in)About the APICharge/Receive with Static QR CodeDynamic QR Code creation (Immediate Payment)Query Dynamic QR CodeCharge Write-off/CancelingPayment Conciliation/QueryRefunding a Received PixOur numberEndpointsPayment & Transfers (Cash-out)About the APITransfer between Delbank bank accountsPix transfer with bank accountPix Transfer with keyPayment with Static QR CodePayment with Dynamic QR CodeBank slip payment or TaxQuerying a paymentEndpointsPayment initialization with Pix keypostPayment with QR Code/PayloadpostCarrying out the transfer/payment.postBalance and StatementStatementAccount BalancePix key management for BaasPIX key creationSearch for all PIX keys for your accountgetDelete PIX keydeleteDELBANK WHITELABELAccount Creation - Natural Person (PF)POST /send-phone-codePOST /send-email-codePOST /verify-phone-codePOST /verify-email-codePOST /customersHandling errorswebhooksConfiguring webhooksContact usSupport DashboardPowered by Staging API key requestpost https://apisandbox.delbank.com.br/apikey