API Reference
Log In
API Reference

POST /customers

Once the verification codes have been sent and duly checked, your application can now send the customer's information to request account creation.

curl --request POST \
  --url https://whitelabel-sandbox.delbank.dev.br/v1/customers \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json' \
  --header 'x-delbank-partner-key: c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b' \
  --data '{
  "document": "012.874.010-82",
  "name": "Josevaldo Peixoto",
  "email": {
    "value": "[email protected]",
    "codeVerification": "9999"
  "phone": {
    "ddd": "79",
    "number": "90000000",
    "codeVerification": "9999"
  "fatherName": "string",
  "motherName": "string",
  "monthlyInvoicing": 0,
  "birthDate": "2023-06-21T19:40:08.300Z",
  "educationLevel": "UNDEFINED",
  "maritalStatus": "UNDEFINED",
  "gender": "UNINFORMED",
  "address": {
    "publicPlace": "string",
    "number": "string",
    "zipCode": "49052260",
    "neighborhood": "string",
    "complement": "string",
    "isConfirmed": true,
    "type": "COMMERCIAL",
    "cityId": 1,
    "cityName": "Aracaju"
  "password": "string",
  "securityPassword": "secr",
  "tokenNotification": "string"
const axios = require('axios');

const data = {
    document: '012.874.010-82',
    name: 'Josevaldo Peixoto',
    email: {
        value: '[email protected]',
        codeVerification: '9999'
    phone: {
        ddd: '79',
        number: '90000000',
        codeVerification: '9999'
    fatherName: 'string',
    motherName: 'string',
    monthlyInvoicing: 0,
    birthDate: '2023-06-21T19:40:08.300Z',
    educationLevel: 'UNDEFINED',
    maritalStatus: 'UNDEFINED',
    gender: 'UNINFORMED',
    address: {
        publicPlace: 'string',
        number: 'string',
        zipCode: '49052260',
        neighborhood: 'string',
        complement: 'string',
        isConfirmed: true,
        type: 'COMMERCIAL',
        cityId: 1,
        cityName: 'Aracaju'
    password: 'string',
    securityPassword: 'secr'

const headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json-patch+json',
    'x-delbank-partner-key': 'c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b'

axios.post('https://whitelabel-sandbox.delbank.dev.br/v1/customers', data, { headers })
    .then(response => {
        console.log('Response:', response.data);
    .catch(error => {
        console.error('Error:', error.response.data);
EnumAccepted Values
educationLevelUndefined: Undefined value.
Illiterate: Represents an illiterate person.
Elementary1To4Year: Represents the educational level corresponding to years 1 to 4 of elementary school.
Elementary5Year: Represents the educational level corresponding to the 5th year of elementary school.
Elementary6To4Year: Represents the educational level corresponding to years 6 to 9 of elementary school.
CompleteElementary: Represents a person who has completed elementary school.
IncompleteHighSchool: Represents a person with incomplete secondary education.
CompleteHighSchool: Represents a person who has completed high school..
IncompleteHigher: Represents a person with incomplete higher education.
CompleteHigher: Represents a person who has completed higher education.
Postgraduate: Represents a person with a postgraduate level of education.
MastersDegree:Represents a person with a master's degree.
DoctorateDegree: Represents a person with a doctoral degree.
maritalStatusUndefined: Undefined value.
Single: Represents a single person.
Married: Represents a married person.
LegallySeparated: Represents a legally separated person.
Description: "Legally Separated"
Divorced: Represents a divorced person.
StableUnion: Represents a person in a stable union.
Detached: Represents an detached or separated person
Widower: Represents a widowed person.
Others: Represents another marital status.
genderUninformed: Value of information not provided.
Male: Represents the male gender.
Female: Represents the female gender.


Pay attention to the fields:

password: login/access password. 6 digits.
securityPassword: transaction authorization password. 4 digits.


Usage recipe

Here you can see a practical example of how to use the method described above: https://github.com/DelbankDev/publico-api/tree/main/receitas/criacao-conta-pf-whitelabel/customers