API Reference
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API Reference


Statement consultation

This endpoint returns every effective transaction in the bank account.


GET 'https://apisandbox.delbank.com.br/baas/api/v2/transactions'
curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://apisandbox.delbank.com.br/baas/api/v2/transactions' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'x-delbank-api-key: {{apiKey}}'


x-delbank-api-keyRequired. API key


pagenumberPage number (pagination)
Default: 1
limitnumberItems returned count (pagination)
Default: 10
nsunumberNSU (Unique Sequential Number) of the transaction.
If the transaction exists, the endpoint will return only 1 transaction
isCreditbooleanUtilize true or false
If informed, it will filter transactions according to their type, whether credit or debit. If not informed, all transactions will be returned regardless of the modality
typearray|enumTransaction Type. Can be informed of a list of transaction types.
startDatedateTransaction creation start date. The starting date will be considered according to the UTC standard, this is, when entenring 2023-01-01, transactions that were created from 2023-01-01 03:00:00.000Z will be returned.
endDatedateTransaction creation end date. When applying this type of filter, the starting date will be considered according to the UTC standard, this is, when entering 2023-01-01, transactions that were created up to 2023-01-01 03:00:00.000Z will be returned.
endToEndIdstringEndToEndId of the transfer/payment in the context of Pix.
This type of filter aims to facilitate the search for Pix payments (cash-out) and receipts (cash-in). If the transaction exists, it will return only one transaction.

Transaction Types

TypeDescriptionModality (credit or debit)
DEBIT_TRANSFER_INTERNALSent transfer (transfer between Debank accounts)Debit
CREDIT_TRANSFER_INTERNALReceived transfer (transfer between Delbank accounts)Credit
DEBIT_PIXSent PixDebit
CREDIT_PIXReceived PixCredit


# Querying all transactions 
GET 'https://apisandbox.delbank.com.br/baas/api/v1/transactions'

# Querying credit transactions 
GET 'https://apisandbox.delbank.com.br/baas/api/v1/transactions?isCredit=true'

# Querying transaction by NSU 
GET 'https://apisandbox.delbank.com.br/baas/api/v1/transactions?nsu=999998'

# Filtering by transaction type 
GET 'https://apisandbox.delbank.com.br/baas/api/v1/transactions?type=CREDIT_PIX'

# Querying different type transactions 
GET 'https://apisandbox.delbank.com.br/baas/api/v1/transactions?type=CREDIT_PIX&type=DEBIT_PIX'


        "id": "21E3822485720230827144231555972751",
        "nsu": 727646,
        "amount": 5.00,
        "notes": "description",
        "createdAt": "2023-08-27T14:42:34.763Z",
        "type": {
            "name": "CREDIT_PIX",
            "description": "PIX recebido",
            "isCredit": true
        "balance": {
            "balancePrevious": 69696969687968.55,
            "currentBalance": 69696969687973.55
        "proof": {} // generic response


The proof field is generic information that may differ depending on the type of transaction. This field represents proof of the transaction

Pix receipt proof

        "id": "21E3822485720230827144231555972751",
      	"correlationId": "1f9d63e8-81f6-4636-b862-e2edf4c72d67",
        "nsu": 727646,
        "amount": 5.00,
        "notes": "description",
        "createdAt": "2023-08-27T14:42:34.763Z",
        "type": {
            "name": "CREDIT_PIX",
            "description": "PIX recebido",
            "isCredit": true
        "balance": {
            "balancePrevious": 69696969687968.55,
            "currentBalance": 69696969687973.55
        "proof": {
            "endToEndId": "E3822485720230827144231555972751",
            "status": "PIX_EFFECTIVE",
            "type": "PIX_QR_CODE_DYNAMIC",
            "amount": 5.0,
            "description": "description",
            "payer": {
                "number": "31712",
                "branch": "0001",
                "type": "CURRENT",
                "holder": {
                    "document": "32752023000149",
                    "name": "bxxdbde",
                    "type": "LEGAL"
                "participant": {
                    "name": "DELCRED SCD S.A.",
                    "ispb": "38224857"
            "beneficiary": {
                "number": "31712",
                "branch": "0001",
                "type": "CURRENT",
                "holder": {
                    "document": "32752023000149",
                    "name": "bxxdbde",
                    "type": "LEGAL"
                "participant": {
                    "name": "DELBANK",
                    "ispb": "38224857"